Bionix news

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How to improve your supply chain with RFID?

Improving the supply chain of an industry or a company reduces work times and costs and consequently improves profitability. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to think, design and execute an efficient plan. Something as simple or as complicated as studying the needs, the improvements points, the ways to satisfy those needs and the […]
tecnologia rfid

RFID. The technology of the big brands that was born in World War II

RFID technology allows you to optimize the supply chain, logistics, control your organization’s stock and inventory management. This has a huge impact on the customer’s shopping experience, increasing physical and online sales, improves the efficiency of your company and helps you to reduce operating costs. The use of RFID solutions has spread among large retail […]
RFID cadena suministro

RFID. How to adapt the supply chain to the Covid era

Companies have always had the obligation to adapt to trends and phenomena that affect their production processes. COVID-19 has been a wave that many companies in the industrial sector did not count and that have affected them. Then there is the case of Bionix Technologies, which has managed to take advantage of the current situation […]

Bionix Certificates & Awards

Certificados ISO 9001 e ISO 14001 de Bionix Technologies Bionix  Technologies obtiene el certificado Pyme Innovadora otorgado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España Bionix Technologies gana la IV Edición de los premios PEL Diputación de A Coruña

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